Land Rover
DC100 Launch Communications

A brand new concept in cars needed an imaginative way of communicating its benefits to trade, critics and eventually consumers.

The unique way the car can be customised to suit your specific needs led to a concept based on 'Apps'. A simple way of talking mixed with a strong visual language helped bring this thought to life.

Land Rover Almost unlimited customisation opportunities led to a concept based on Apps – where you created your own car.
Land Rover The Dream Build Do ideal helped create a foundation for the concept which was both positive and a call to action.
A series of icons were developed to tie-in the concept, illustrate the cars possibilities and set the graphical language.
Land Rover All key art was based around simplicity and opportunity.
Land Rover All key art was based around simplicity and opportunity.
Land Rover The App ideal was taken further with 3D representations for launch events and exhibitions.

© Neil Thomas

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